Opportunity to understand the drivers of corporate profitability.
Gain insights into the competitive positioning of your organization & areas for improvement.
As a participant, your company will play an integral role in designing the study & determining the metrics that are most relevant.
Results create a road map to increase revenue & margin while reducing costs.
Stephenson & Company's Proprietary Barometers Ensure Confidentiality of Your Data
Shows your exact corporate positioning against each metric by quartile.
Participants receive a detailed breakdown of your company's performance against ~1,000 metrics compared to those of your direct competition (data blinded).
Proposed Timeline for the 2025 Study
2025 Study Participant Virtual Roundtable
Survey questions and metrics determined
February 20, 2025* 1 - 1:30 p.m. EST
Collection of Data
2-4 week process for most participants
Stephenson & Company available to help with process
February/March 2025
Final Presentations
A Half Day in-person presentation/workshop of results
April - May 2025
To receive a list of preliminary
metrics and to register for the
virtual roundtable** Please
*Note: A meeting link will be provided before the roundtable to all roundtable participants.
** Note: Registration for the roundtable session is free and does not obligate the attendee or their firm to participate in the study. At the roundtable session a preliminary set of metrics will be reviewed, the process for the study will be discussed and participants will have the opportunity to direct the study by adding relevant metrics as well as the opportunity to ask questions of Stephenson & Company management. Prior to the roundtable session a preliminary list of metrics that Stephenson & Company intends to collect will be distributed to all roundtable participants.